
Network Penetration Testing

Network Penetration Test resembles a real-world attack against your information systems and network infrastructure to identify risks and vulnerabilities, which may impact the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of your data. It is imperative to conduct a penetration test regularly if your environment is storing and processing sensitive data (i.e. payment card data, protected health information) and those same systems have access to the Internet. In fact, if your business is subject to compliance mandates, penetration testing is likely required.

Protecting assets can be a daunting task. How do you know that your current controls are working and that you have your bases covered? That is where GlobalWave Consulting, LLC can help. Using a combination of automated tools and elite attackers, researchers and practitioners, we can help you find and mitigate vulnerabilities. We provide solutions for companies new to testing, or for organizations with mature vulnerability management programs.


Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability Assessment is defined as a best guess as to how susceptible something is to risk or harm. Vulnerability Assessments are not specific to IT security and are used by a wide range of other industries. When applied to IT Security vulnerability assessments are used to assess, or provide a best guess as to how susceptible a target is to risk or harm. Unlike Penetration Tests, Vulnerability Assessments do not validate vulnerabilities though exploitation and so their reports often contain false positives. 

GlobalWave Consulting, LLC's vulnerability assessment methodology assesses the targeted IP address ranges using a two-phased approach. An external vulnerability assessment is compromised of the following major phases: 1) Host and service discovery, and 2) Vulnerability identification and verification.  Host and service discovery compiles a complete list of all accessible systems and their respective services with the goal of obtaining as much information about your Internet facing assets as possible. This includes initial domain foot printing, live host detection, service enumeration, and operating system and application fingerprinting.  With the information collected from the discovery phase in hand, security testing transitions to identifying vulnerabilities in externally facing systems and applications using automated scans and manual testing techniques. GlobalWave Consulting, LLC begins the vulnerability identification process with commercial and open source vulnerability scanners. Automated scans are good at identifying known and common vulnerabilities; however, automated scans are not good at detecting complex security issues, uncovering system and application-specific vulnerabilities, developing attack chains, or validating the findings reported. For this reason, automated scans represent only a small facet of the overall security assessment with the majority of vulnerability testing focused on manual testing and verification. Finally, risk priorities are assigned to each vulnerability according to GlobalWave Consulting, LLC's comprehensive risk rating scale.


Web Application Penetrating Testing

The objective for a web application penetration test is to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in applications before hackers are able to discover and exploit them. Web application penetration testing will reveal real-world opportunities for hackers to be able to compromise applications in such a way that allows for unauthorized access to sensitive data or even take-over systems for malicious/non-business purpose.  

To fight a cyber criminal, sometimes you have to think like one.
GlobalWave Consulting, LLC's approach towards web application testing is multi-fold and simultaneous penetration using the tools and proprietary platforms developed by the strong R&D innovators of GlobalWave Consulting, LLC following in complete synchronism with manual testing driven by cyber security experts and sleuths thus pin pointing each and every area of vulnerability twice.  GlobalWave Consulting, LLC generates an approach of the thinking that "The one, who knows system from the inside, can attack it best from the outside." A thorough and complete scanning of your systems is done by our tools and experts. The vulnerabilities in technical as well as business logic are targeted and flushed out completely before the organization for review. We take ownership of your system and its flaws as our own and work in tandem to generate the best and secure most solution.


SAP Basis Support

Your SAP systems are critical to your business. Any downtime brings your business to a halt. All SAP systems in your landscape require SAP Basis activities and continuous maintenance. This ensures an active management and life cycle maintenance of all your SAP server

Any Organization have SAP, requires Basis support service as very essential, GlobalWave Consulting, LLC offers SAP Basis Consulting and Support services to our customers . Our SAP Basis Practice utilizes high quality and cost-effective consulting services. We provide client advisory services during system installations and implementations. The portfolio of Basis services includes project implementations, upgrades, migrations, support and expert consulting for major production system issues and real time monitoring.

For reliable SAP operations, you must look for comprehensive SAP Basis consulting services. Locating reliable SAP Basis support for your business is a critical decision. You need to look for experience and expertise in SAP BASIS Support.